AWS with .NET Simple Queue Service (SQS) Tutorials

3 Things: Developing Amazon SQS Based Solutions

Amazon Simple Queue Service or Amazon SQS is a distributed message queuing service that enables developers to build loosely coupled solutions. Often valued for its ease of use, Amazon SQS queues can be spun up in a matter of seconds from the AWS console, SDK or the CLI. Still, there are subtleties that developers should…

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How to Implement the Pub/Sub Pattern with .NET, Amazon SNS and CloudEvents

There is no shortage of technologies that allow for building pub-sub messaging systems. Off the cuff, I can think of NServiceBus, Azure Service Bus, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, etc. However, Amazon Simple Notification Service or SNS, may be the easiest to implement as well as the most flexible solution.   What Exactly is the Pub-Sub Pattern? In essence, the pub-sub…

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Create an AWS SQS Queue from the Console

This is a multipart series on Interapplication Messaging with .NET and AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS). Checkout all tutorials in the series. Warning: some AWS services may have fees associated with them. Simple Interapplication Messaging with .NET and AWS Simple Queue ServiceCreate an AWS SQS Queue from the ConsoleCreating a Simple .NET AWS SQS Message…

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Create a Simple .NET Application to Consume an Amazon SQS Queue

This is a multipart series on Interapplication Messaging with .NET and AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS). Checkout all the tutorials in the series. Simple Interapplication Messaging with .NET and AWS Simple Queue ServiceCreate an AWS SQS Queue from the ConsoleCreating a Simple .NET AWS SQS Message Producer ApplicationCreate a Simple .NET Application to Consume an…

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Creating a Simple .NET Amazon SQS Message Producer Application

This is a multipart series on Interapplication Messaging with .NET and AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS). Checkout all articles in the series. Simple Interapplication Messaging with .NET and AWS Simple Queue ServiceCreate an AWS SQS Queue from the ConsoleCreating a Simple .NET AWS SQS Message Producer ApplicationCreate a Simple .NET Application to Consume an AWS…

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Simple Interapplication Messaging with .NET and Amazon Simple Queue Service

Amazon Simple Queue Service, a.k.a. SQS, is a message queuing service that allows for building loosely coupled applications and services and features high availability and nearly unlimited throughput. In this series of tutorial, we will create and configure an SQS queue and then develop .NET Core producer and consumer applications that send messages and receive…

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