Introduction to Amazon Polly

Author: Kurt Feeley Amazon Polly uses deep learning to synthesize human speech from text. With Amazon Polly you can convert meeting notes, research papers and magazine and newspaper articles to a digital audio format. And, with support for various voices and dozens of languages, Amazon Polly can bring your textual content to life in minutes.Continue reading “Introduction to Amazon Polly”

Introduction to Amazon Rekognition

Author: Kurt Feeley Amazon Rekognition is a highly featured, visual analysis tool that relies on pre-trained machine learning models. Amazon Rekognition enables you to analyze images as well as video without being a machine learning expert. Amazon Rekognition can flag inappropriate content, differentiate fake and real faces, can identify celebrities and can extract text. WhenContinue reading “Introduction to Amazon Rekognition”

Introduction to Amazon Translate

Author: Kurt Feeley Amazon Translate is an AWS machine learning service that is based upon deep learning and let’s you translate textual data from one language, to another. Amazon Translate has support for 75 different languages and can be used for translating meeting notes, translating telephone transcripts, or providing website search constructs in various languages.Continue reading “Introduction to Amazon Translate”

Developing .NET apps with Amazon DynamoDB

You need to store data, but you don’t have a vast schema. You need to fetch your data in a split second, and you don’t need referential integrity or transactions. You require a super stable and scalable datastore, but you don’t have the personnel to manage a DBMS. You need to persist data, but youContinue reading “Developing .NET apps with Amazon DynamoDB”

Securing .NET App Secrets with AWS Secrets Manager

Similar to AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, AWS Secrets Manager allows for storing, managing, and reclaiming OAuth tokens, database credentials, API keys, and other secrets. However, there are big differences between the two AWS services. AWS Secrets Manager was created for storing confidential data like passwords and secrets so encryption of the stored data isContinue reading “Securing .NET App Secrets with AWS Secrets Manager”

Encrypting Data in .NET apps Using AWS Key Management Service

Get all the code on GitHub. Let’s be honest, cryptography can be a dense and intimidating topic for most. When contemplating your cryptography strategy, there are so many questions that need to be answered: symmetric or asymmetric encryption? Which algorithm should you use? What will the key management story be? etc. — etc…. Utilizing aContinue reading “Encrypting Data in .NET apps Using AWS Key Management Service”

How to use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store as a .NET Configuration Provider

Many changes were made to configuration in .NET Core. Long gone are the days where you have few configuration options. In .NET, there are now out of the box options for INI,  JSON, XML, command-line arguments, in-memory stores, environment variables and key-per-file, et al. And, if those options weren’t enough, you can still develop your ownContinue reading “How to use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store as a .NET Configuration Provider”

Running ASP.NET Minimal APIs with Docker

ASP.NET combined with the .NET  CLI is a powerful combination. In a matter of seconds the CLI can generate a templated API application.  Add on top of that a new controller class and you’ve started to develop your new API. This seems simple enough, right? If you’ve been in the ASP.NET biz for a while,Continue reading “Running ASP.NET Minimal APIs with Docker”

Getting Started with Elasticsearch, Amazon OpenSearch, NEST and .NET

You click the button and you can’t believe what your eyes see — data. But, not just data, lots of data and that data was returned in a blink of an eye. It seems to good to be true, and it would be if the data was fetched from an average SQL based database. But,Continue reading “Getting Started with Elasticsearch, Amazon OpenSearch, NEST and .NET”

How to Implement the Pub/Sub Pattern with .NET, Amazon SNS and CloudEvents

There is no shortage of technologies that allow for building pub-sub messaging systems. Off the cuff, I can think of NServiceBus, Azure Service Bus, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, etc. However, Amazon Simple Notification Service or SNS, may be the easiest to implement as well as the most flexible solution.   What Exactly is the Pub-Sub Pattern? In essence, the pub-subContinue reading “How to Implement the Pub/Sub Pattern with .NET, Amazon SNS and CloudEvents”